CANO loves artisans and their craftsmanship. Thanks to our Mexican artisans the tradition of the huarache is kept alive, allowing us to bring it to you. Luckily, authentic handcrafted fashion can be found not just in Mexico, but all over the world. During sustainable fashion fair Soul Salon, we were reminded of this, as we walked by the beautiful stands showing examples of astonishing craftsmanship. We were especially drawn to the brands that have their roots in South and Central America. 

From unique patterns to different fabrics, these brands showcased fashion inspired on traditions that have developed over centuries. Most of these traditions have started far before the industrial revolution changed the fashion landscape. Even in the midst of technological advancement, artisans were dedicated to keeping their traditions untouched. Instead of using fast machines to achieve mass production,  they created unique fashion through outstanding techniques that were inherited and improved from generation to generation.

During Soul Salon, we found some great examples of this kind of craftsmanship, which we would love to share with you!

Zazu Amsterdam

The first brand on our list is Zazu Amsterdam. Zazu is a young Dutch brand that designs soft, luxurious and warm clothes from Ecuadorian alpaca and merino wool. The combination of Ecuadorian craftsmanship and European style results in outstanding comfortability combined with elegant design. Every piece of cloth is the product of the love and devotion of Ecuadorian artisans. To give back to these artisans, Zazu fosters fair salaries and good working conditions. Additionally, the alpaca and merino wool is eco-friendly, as it is locally sourced from wide ranches. To read more about this, you can go to Zazu’s website to see the farms where your sweater comes from! Are you looking forward to wearing one of their products, then check out the website – Zazu Amsterdam!


Then on to the next one on our list, Bufandy. Bufandy is, similarly to Zazu, inspired by Ecuadorian alpaca wool. On the website, Dorien Straathof, founder of Bufandy, tells the story of how it all started. When she was a travel guide in this area, she was mesmerized by the talent she encountered: Artisans that created beautiful scarves from the highest quality. Yet, the artisans seemed to struggle in selling their beautiful scarfs. Determined to bring this talent home to us, she came up with the idea for Bufandy. A brand that stands for handcrafted high quality scarfs, made by Ecuadorian alpaca wool. Do you like the idea of wearing a piece of true artisanship around your neck? Then definitely check out Bufandy’s Website.


Last, but definitely not least, we would like to introduce you to P’ienca. P’ienca’s story starts in Peru. Amazed by the beautiful fabrics used by Peruvian woman to carry their belongings around, the idea for P’ienca was born. These fabrics are traditionally hand-woven and dyed with natural materials such as flowers and leaves, which means that each fabric is unique. What a waste it would be not to reuse these unique, colorful, and hand-woven fabrics! Better recycle them into something new, such as bags and pillows. The best part is that these products are handcrafted by Peruvian women which, because of this initiative, are enabled to put their children into school. Do you want to support Peruvian Mama’s and bring color into your life? Then check out P’ienca’s collection on their website!