Our most valuable resource is our people, our cherished connection with the artisans rests on our appreciation for their mastery of the century-old huarache-making techniques.
Standing for Fair Fashion
We exist because of our artisans skilled craftsmanship and we believe our partnership will grow through fairness and trust. We foster and honor this trust by paying fair wages, ensuring professional work environments and improving our artisans' living standards.
We ensure that our manufacturing partners care about their people, and respect the following core values:
Our values
Men and women are paid equally. The weaver artisans that have children get maternity leave and are free to work from home in order to get the chace to be with their children and take care of them.
For us it's a very important that the artisans work in a safe and healthy environment, that they are provided with the right equipment and that our suppliers have certified compliance with all lawful safety regulations. We monitor this with regular (unannounced) visits and off-site interviews with the artisans.
We make sure that the artisans get fair wages for their work. This ensures that they have the right to a respectable living standard including food and nutrition, a healthy life, housing and education for their children.
Since the workers and artisans are paid a fair wage, they can maintain a healthy work/life balance and tend to their families. We support this further by making sure that shifts are no longer than 8 hours, and include lunch breaks, holidays and sick leave.

Long term
Our partnership with our Mexican artisans has been close since the very beginning. By spending several months in Mexico every year, we actively aim to strengthen this bond. Together we strive to promote the beauty of Mexican craftsmanship across the globe. In order to achieve this, both parties closely collaborate in the creation and manufacturing of new products. We treasure the relationship we have built with our artisans, and we look forward to continuing our partnership for many years to come.

Our artisans are the heart and soul behind our products. We’re proud to be a company that works alongside talented people who have mastered the ancient Mexican craft of leather shoe making. To create our beautiful shoes, we've partnered with two family-owned workshops in México that operate according to our workers' rights policies.
No child labor. No forced labor. No modern slavery.

Payment practices
Before we entered a partnership with our main workshop, we had personal conversations with the artisans. We visited all the artisans at their homes without supervision from the factory. We asked how they like working with Sebastian, how they are paid, how much, how regularly and whether they think it’s fair.
The artisans make 20% more working for Sebastian than they would in other workplaces in Sahuayo. Sebastian tracks the artisans’ work hours with a finger scanner, taking account of the exact time they come in and leave, to ensure their extra hours are paid if they make overtime. We regularly communicate with Sebastian to ensure we pay a fair price and ask the artisans if the payment they receive is correct.
To put Mexican craftsmanship on the international fashion landscape, establish longtime partnerships with our suppliers and partners, and give artisans the credit they deserve by introducing their high-quality handcrafted pieces as a stylish, ethical and sustainable alternative to fast fashion.